Southland Community House

We are a Not for Profit, Community orientated facility
We are situated in the Invercargill CBD, on the first floor at 46 Kelvin Street. There is lift access.
We offer a range of services and are home to a number of Community organisations as well as organisations supporting the Community Sector of Invercargill and Southland.

How we work
The Day to Day operation is managed by a Coordinator, who is employed by a Board of 4 Trustees, all who volunteer their time. The Coordinator works from the Reception area at the top of the stairs and is available to assist with your enquiries.

The Community House is funded by grants and donations, plus office and meeting room hire. We gratefully acknowledge our funders: Community Trust South, Lotteries Community Grants and the Invercargill Licensing Trust for their generous support over the years.

In 2002, a steering group of a large number of community minded people commissioned a feasibility study into the need for a “Southland Community House”. After many brainstorming sessions and very positive responses, a Trust Deed was drawn up and signed with the appointment of 5 Trustees, A large number of premises were visited and rejected, before finding our eventual “home” upstairs at 46 Kelvin Street. Some remodeling and carpeting and many hours of hard work later, the building opened in 2004 with 5 Tenants in place. (some of these Tenants still remain). Soon after a “full House” was achieved and in 2005 and the first staff member was employed by the Southland Community House Charitable Trust”. Changing needs of Tenants have meant some organisations moving on over the years, but to date we have been a “full house” for a large proportion of our years here. A wait list of interested groups is held, and enquiries are always welcome, as are visits to ascertain whether we have anything that might suit your needs.

Community House Today
We remain at our original address, upstairs at 46 Kelvin Street. Our Reception area has changed position and is now at the top of the stairs in the centre of the “House”. Some of the names and faces have changed, but the heart and soul of Community spirit remains the same as when the facility opened in 2004. Many heart-warming stories (and sadly some heart wrenching too) could be told by most who have been involved in the networking, support and assistance provided over the past 17+ years.
Permanent office space, meeting rooms for hire, photocopying, other printing services, as well as information forwarding remain some of our core service provision.